Sunday, November 24, 2013

Mari berceloteh lagi..

kali ini tentang me recently.

Well... actually now I’m student! Yup, ES TU UU DE EN ET alias student. I’m taking magister in law in one of sophisticated university in this country. I’m good isn’t it.... Iam (pathetic...)

Kumaha etata tah bisa kuliah lg?

Yaaah....cliche reasons...It’s been 7 years in office, I already bored, need new atmosphere, need meet new faces bla...bla...bla... and voilaa... I’ve got the scholarship. God is very nice to me. Thank you God :) 
Despite talking about why I choose law...(u know I'm very incompetence with that) it’s better I introduce you to my adios in class.

Since I’ve got curse by taking HTN, we’re only 12. 5 of us is a girls...or women and the rest is boys. Boys in this thing is...boys (no sarcasm)
my friends are good. They are very smart. They know how to speak like poilitician or judges or cops or...anything that I’m definetly can’t do #sad.. they’re like born to be HTN student.... so they can speak aliens words...

And me? I’m still sanguin woman who doesn’t know how to speak like politician or judges or cops!
Sometimes I ashamed.. I know... they didn’t think that I’m not capable, but this is my fear.
I have a limitations about justicia knowledge. I don’t know about Mahkamah Konstitusi, I don’t fucking care about how many cameral we’re practiced, becameral, tricameral, fourcameral... I don’t care!
I just wanna get a good score. Thats all...
Even I have to wake up very early or instead I have to awake till early in the morning to do the task. I’ll do it!

Wish me luck yaa...lots of luck!!

It needs a lot of energy, yes it is! apalagi saat ini gue udah punya anak yang sangat lincah. Jadi dengan kondisi seperti itu, gue harus pinter-pinter cari cara bua ngerjain tugas.

Sekolah S2 tadinya sama sekali gak kepikiran. Secara my life is already hard enough yaa...tapi ada peristiwa yang mengarahkan untuk sekolah lagi dan gue yakin seyakin-yakinnya, ini sangat berguna baik untuk kehidupan pribadi maupun karir gue. Well God never sleep isn't He?

Bon Jovi said: keep the faith
LIghthouse Family said: I'll never lose my faith in you
and Easy by Faith No More

Good Nite all...

About the title

It's a little amusing when I pick which title that I want to use for my blog. I already make a list. There are 5:
It's 30 Something Woman Thoughts, Beautiful Thoughts, It's a Note that Lead a Life, Sick, Short and Suck Thoughts (ini alay!), Think Thank Thought (hhhmmm...) n beberapa kata-kata lebay lainnya. Till I thought about a word that remind me to my favorite writer Jules Verne. He wrote a story about a German scientist and his nephew finding a volcanic tube in the earth tummy, Journey to the centre of the earth. but I change earth into heart. Agar lebih unyu dikit :)
Then voila... jadilah Journey to Centre of The Heart.
So enjoy this blog readers...semoga tahu kedalaman hati saya :))

Sick of technologi!

Just realize my recent blog which address has been dissappear!! I can't sign in. even google can't viewed it! Instead that I have to contact administration bla..bla...bla..
pegel! Ini sama persis kaya akun twitter gw @windatie. The system or the guy who work out the system said my email which associated to my account is hotmail. padahal gue udah lamaaaaaaaa bgt kagak punya email hotmail! Dulu iye...waktu pertama kali kenalan ama internet. Waktu jaman2 SMA 15 taun lalu. Emang twitter udh ada 15 taun yg lalu? Bete sebete-betenya :( 

Ya sud lah daripada saya harus berurusan lagi dengan sistem yang (hampir) sama, yang bemon tentu yee udah gue urus sono sini, account gue bakal balik juga, mending bikin baru aja deh !
Ternyata bener semakin canggih suatu teknologi, semakin rumit.

Mudah-mudahan gue bukan orang yang menghamba ke teknologi. Gue pake sesuai kebutuhan aja. Kalo bisa teknologi yang menghamba ke gue! #halah... :D